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The Dirty Truth About Smartphone Owners

Pew’s recent study on US smartphone ownership offers that 56% of Americans now own a smartphone. What’s impressive is that it was 46% in April 2012.

The dirty truth is that those numbers are actually quite higher.

Here are the specific demographic groups of smartphone owners:

  • 90% of millennials (18-29) with incomes exceeding $75K
  • 60% of Hispanic Americans
  • 64% of African Americans
    • 16% are iOS users
    • 42% are Android users
  • Men edge out women as users, 59% to 53% respectively
  • Those reporting “no cell phone” dropped from 17% in 2011 to 9% today
2013-06-08-different perspective
Income impact smartphone ownership differently depending on age

Marketers who are trying to reach any of these audiences best pay attention.