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3FER: 20 June 2013

#1: Target’s App Accelerator

Internal innovation is tough for most enterprise-level companies, and Target is no exception. That’s why the retailing giant struck a partnership with FastCompany’s Co.Labs to uncover app innovators. Judging from the mix of winning finalists, the effort’s proving successful:


#2: Think Behavior–Not Equipment

Those who get caught up in “new shiny thingies” in their mobile efforts are often left little. (Think of the hordes of dead apps created after executives got a smartphone.) It’s better to map your mobile to your customers’ behaviors first, then fill in the tactics. Here’s a great AdAge piece on how this thinking applies to mobile advertising:


#3: 20 Mobile Startups to Watch

A lack of resources and big barriers to entry often drive revolutions. And while the mobile innovations we see stateside are often “cute” (think SnapChat), the real mobile revolution is happening where we least expect it. Mashable highlights 20 mobile startups that you need to track…from Africa: